Over 700 tenants gave their thoughts on the energy crisis and pathway to Net Zero. Our National Tenant Pulse Survey explores topics and give insight and recomendations.

All Wales Tenant Pulse: 2nd Annual Survey on attitudes to the Energy Crisis & Net Zero

Our latest Tenant pulse is focused on the energy crisis and attitudes to Net Zero. This is the second time we have run this type of survey. 

We had the 2nd largest response rate to date for Tenant Pulse with over 700 tenants across social housing and private renting tenants. We were delighted to have a wide demographic of tenants, including a notable uplift in younger private renters responding.

We believe the findings and recommendations offer valuable insight into the challenges tenants are experiencing, and how tenants feel about their homes and communities in Net Zero context.

Note: As the energy crisis is changing rapidly, we will not wait a whole year to repeat this full survey. We plan to do a smaller pulse over the winter just focused on energy crisis. 

Tenant Pulse is the official Wales-wide panel for tenants giving their views on the things that matter right to them. It was created 4 years ago by TPAS Cymru (under a programme of work supported by Welsh Government). It’s run quarterly on topical issues to help shape housing policy in Wales. It covers tenants of both social housing (Housing Associations and Council housing) plus private renters and those in supported housing.

If you are a tenant, why not join our Tenant Pulse panel and have your say? 

Report name: All Wales Tenant Pulse: 2nd Annual Survey on attitudes to the Energy Crisis & Net Zero

This is the link to the full report  

Lead authors: Hannah Richardson, Eleanor Speer and David Wilton

TPAS Cymru would like to thank all of the tenants who dedicated their time to complete the surveys. We truly appreciate your time.

Tenant Pulse is part of our Tenant Voice work sponsored by 

We discussed the findings from this survey during our September 2022 Tenant Network, and heard feedback from tenants on their thoughts on the report.  For those wanting a shorter overview, here is a simple slide deck that we shared with tenants at our All Wales Tenants Network on Sept 20th: https://tpascymru-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/drw_tpas_cymru/Eb_y-jUXfqlIvEQ2d1CwoiUBwbv-07Xv2xhO1bTKEylLYA?e=VJ7KYg


Media enquiries: We have material for media outlets plus spokespersons in Welsh and English. Contact [email protected] 

Prize draw transparency

As a thank you for completing the survey, tenants can choose to opt into a prize draw.  This data is captured separately to the anonymous survey.

The winner for this Pulse are:

  1. D. Blake, Tenant of Vale of Glamorgan Council
  2. K. Wood, Tenant of Newport City Homes
  3. L. Massie, Private Renter, Flintshire

Each received a box of fresh Welsh produce from https://www.daffodilfoods.co.uk/

They have been notified and their prize sent.