TPAS Cymru's Engagement and Policy Officer invites views on tackling loneliness and isolation.

   Affordable Housing Supply Review and Tackling loneliness and isolation in Wales


My question is; will the Welsh Government be considering the Loneliness and Isolation Strategy when they are building new affordable homes? There is no denying the need for 20,000 new homes but this has to be with the view of tackling this issue, not escalating it


Let me know what you think the Welsh Government’s loneliness and isolation strategy should do to make sure that new affordable homes are designed and built in a way that helps to reduce the risk of loneliness and isolation. There is no denying the need for 20,000 new homes but this has to be approached with the aim of building sustainable communities and connected places. Please get in touch with your thoughts and any examples of the work you do to tackle loneliness and isolation.


“Preventing people from becoming lonely and isolated must be a national priority for us” (Huw Irranca- Davies, 2018)