In March 2018 the Regulatory Board for Wales published: The Right Stuff – Improving Housing Association Governance in Wales download your copy here. 

The Right Stuff – Improving Housing Association Governance in Wales

In March 2018 the Regulatory Board for Wales (RBW) published: The Right Stuff – Improving Housing Association Governance in Wales. RBW has been established to examine the regulatory performance and activity of the Welsh Government and the housing sector. It does so by considering annual reports and guidance from the Regulator, and other publications on the performance of the sector. The Board uses that information to advise the Minister on the performance of the regulator, the sector and any related policy implications.

As part of this remit the RBW undertook a review into housing association governance in Wales. This review sought to examine how governance within the social housing sector in Wales had developed since the publication of a major sector review in 2013, and to consider how the sector could develop further in future. Following the conclusion of this review, RBW published a report setting out their findings. The report, The Right Stuff – Improving Housing Association Governance in Wales can be accessed by clicking on this link, whilst further materials relating to RBW’s work on governance can be accessed here.