Tenants regularly provide feedback to us through our range of events and contact points, stating that lower energy bills are key to cushioning the cost-of-living crisis. We need affordable warmth in social housing which not only directly benefits tenants, but also has much wider benefits to society in terms of health and wellbeing

TPAS Cymru welcomes the ambitious objectives of WHQS 2023.  

Tenants regularly provide feedback to us through our range of events and contact points, stating that lower energy bills are key to cushioning the cost-of-living crisis. We need affordable warmth in social housing which not only directly benefits tenants, but also has much wider benefits to society in terms of health and wellbeing.  

We are also facing a climate emergency and the decarbonisation of housing in Wales plays a vital role. We believe this programme is the best way to achieve this. 

TPAS Cymru congratulate Welsh Government in sticking with this ambitious decarbonisation plan when other neighbouring nations are backtracking on decarbonisations plans. 

Whilst there are lots of positive initiatives in this standard, and we particularly pleased to see the inclusion of new flooring standards. This was something TPAS Cymru and Tai Pawb have been lobbying for 3 years.  

Through the consultation process, TPAS Cymru have held many tenant sessions to discuss the proposals, and the tenant response has been positive.  However, the key message from tenants which comes through in every session is that tenants don’t want to be ‘guinea pigs’ for unproved solutions and they want real and meaningful discussions - an involved voice in taking this forward. The changes to tenant homes are much more complex with lifestyle changes being part and parcel when comparing with the previous WHQS standard. The initial standard primarily focused on upgrading bathrooms, kitchen and windows. Welsh Government recognised that tenants needed to be involved in the implementation and monitoring of the new standard since there was a significant lack of this in the initial standard. TPAS Cymru want to ensure that tenants are at the centre of this.  

It's exciting, but the programmes need co-producing with tenants 

The work and engagement starts right now for the sector! TPAS Cymru have therefore set out in this linked article the considerations that the housing sector needs to address quickly to give confidence and assurance to tenants.   

David Wilton 
Chief Executive TPAS Cymru 


On behalf of all the tenants who have given their thoughts and voices into the development of WHQS2023, thank you for your input. 


WHQS2023 is a vital and positive step to creating better social housing in Wales. It looks to achieve essential affordable warmth for tenants whilst making a big step in reducing Wales’ carbon footprint.   

Tenant voices are an essential tool to successful outcomes. We need transparency of how tenants will be involved during this exciting retrofit decade.