Join us for our June Disability Network when we’ll be joined by colleagues from Welsh Government who are responsible for delivering the new programme of Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) 2023

Disability Network June 2023

Thursday 29th June  10.30 – 12pm

Join us for our June Disability Network when we’ll be joined by colleagues from Welsh Government who are responsible for delivering the new programme of Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) 2023.

The new standards are due to be launched in the Autumn this year, and follow extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders, including tenants, local authorities and housing associations.

We’ll be discussing what the new standards mean in practice and how they can help disabled people to live independently.

TPAS Cymru and Tai Pawb are looking forward to seeing familiar, and new faces at our June event, so if you’ve not attended one of our Disability Networks before you’ll be very welcome.

Who should attend?

Anyone who has experience of, or an interest in issues affecting people living with disabilities.  This network is suitable for tenants, staff, senior managers, board members and LA members.

Cost:  FOC for members of TPAS Cymru and Tai Pawb

Book your place via this Zoom link:


Event Information

Event Title

Disability Network June 2023


Thursday 29 June 2023, 10:30 - 12:00

Booking Available Until

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Early Bird Booking Available Until

Event Type

Information and insight

Eligible for



Guest Speaker

Venue Information

Venue Name


Venue Address

Google Map Icon

Booking Guide

1. A link to an online booking form for the online event will have been provided. Please follow the link and complete the booking form.