Here at TPAS Cymru we are keen to support our members at this time by coordinating the sharing of plans or practice relating to the impact of social distancing/self-isolation on your Tenant & Community Engagement activities.

Shared Learning: COVID-19 and what it means for Tenant & Community Engagement

Here at TPAS Cymru we are keen to support our members at this time by coordinating the sharing of plans or practice relating to the impact of social distancing/self-isolation on your Tenant & Community Engagement activities. How is your Tenant/Community engagement team adapting to the changing ways we're going to have to work in the coming weeks and months?

If you are happy to share your plans or what you are doing, including thoughts based around any of the themes below, we’ll pull together the information we receive and share it amongst our membership across Wales.

  • How your engagement team is adapting?
  • How you are communicating with tenants – particular those digitally excluded?
  • How you plan to maintain contact with involved tenants whilst face to face activates/groups are suspended?
  • How you might be using digital techniques more for engagement?
  • How you might be trying to reduce impact of social isolation on your tenants?
  • Are there new ways in which you plan to involve your tenants?

Any information or ideas welcome ,for example  feel free to send us links to any your web pages, social media posts etc

Please can you send any information to [email protected] or give us a call for a chat.