TPAS Cymru is always keen to ensure that the voices of tenants in Wales are heard.  TPAS Cymru has a long-standing relationship with tenants from all parts of Wales and is seen as being the Voice of social landlord tenants.

TPAS Cymru’s Tenant Networks

TPAS Cymru is always keen to ensure that the voices of tenants in Wales are heardTPAS Cymru has a long-standing relationship with tenants from all parts of Wales and is seen as being the Voice of social landlord tenants.   

Every month TPAS Cymru arranges and facilitates an informal, online Network which allows tenants from all areas of Wales to join to:  

  • hear from guest speakers;   
  • share good practice;  
  • take part in Welsh Government consultations; 
  • ask for advice/guidance about the work they’re doing; and 
  • network with like-minded tenants. 

Here’s a selection of some of the subjects the tenants attending the network have taken part in 2023: 

  • A Welsh Government consultation on the Safer Buildings in Wales White paper. Mike Corrigan Welsh Government said:  “Many thanks again for allowing us the opportunity to consult with the Tenants Networks during 2023. They were engaging sessions providing us with lots of important tenant insights and opinions for us to consider whilst we develop the proposals outlined in the Safer Buildings in Wales White Paper.” 
  • During another Network we asked tenants some specific questions about how their rents had been set for the 2023-2024 financial year.  These included questions about: 
         -  Had they been consulted about the Rent level? 
         -  What information had been given to them about rent increase options and the potential
            impact on service of these options? 

The feedback given by tenants caused some concern to us at TPAS Cymru and the findings have been passed on to Welsh Government.  

  • Complaints was the topic for the May network when tenants were asked for their thoughts on: how their landlord views complaints generally; why tenants don’t complain; and how their landlord ‘feeds back’ on changes they make as a result of complaints. 
  • The Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) was the subject of the February network when representatives from Welsh Government gave feedback on the consultation about the proposed standards that had been held in 2022. 

The networks usually last for 1.5 hours and are free of charge.  We advertise them on our website and via email to tenants who are on our Tenants Network database.  If you’d like your name to be added to this database, please let me know  [email protected].  We don’t share your email address with anyone else!